BREAKING: Ross Ulbricht of the Silk Road Sentenced to Life In Prison

A kangaroo court in the Fasco-Communist Police State of America, just now, has decided that a man who had never hurt another human being, who created a way for voluntary individuals to trade any item they wish in a much safer environment than in the streets and provided nothing but value to others will be sentenced to life in a work/rape camp in the biggest gulag system on Earth today.

Ross Ulbricht, a founder of the Silk Road website, was sentenced to life in prison and, to add insult to injury, ordered to pay $183,961,921 in forfeiture in what is clearly the US government trying to use fear/terrorist tactics in trying to ensure that no US slave (citizen) ever tries to cut into the CIA’s drug running monopoly.

The real criminal in the room, may have ironically said it best, when US District Judge Katherine Forrest said, “Silk Road’s creation showed that you thought you were better than the law,” she said.

Yes, he thought that and I think that too.  Silk Road is BETTER than the US federal law that Katherine Forrest criminally enforces.  Silk Road does not kidnap people, coerce people nor steal from innocent people as the US “justice” system does.

Aside from drug laws in the US being immoral and unconstitutional the entire trial was completely rigged.  At Anarchapulco, this year, Julia Tourianski, Roger Ver and others who were involved or at the trial clearly stated what a whitewash the entire trial was.

And that was even before two former federal agents were charged in May with stealing Bitcoin for their own personal gain while working undercover to help unmask Ross Ulbricht.

The two agents were both members of the Baltimore Silk Road Task Force, which helped conduct the investigation that led to the seizure of the Silk Road servers and Ross Ulbricht’s arrest in October 2013. Drug Enforcement Administration special agent Carl Mark Force IV, 46, was charged with wire fraud, theft of government property and money laundering. Maryland Secret Service agent Shaun Bridges, 32, was charged with wire fraud and money laundering.

These were the two main investigators into Silk Road and they also turned out to be the real thieves in the case.  Yet, Ross, the only one in the whole process who has never stolen nor harmed anyone is the one facing spending the rest of his life in a cage.

The Silk Road trial is just another step of the USA turning into the USSA and putting more innocent people into the biggest prison population on Earth.

My advice to Americans is to either a) Stand up and fight for freedom for once or b) Get out of the US before you end up in the prison camps with Ross.

We have been warning for years that freedom minded people should get outside of the US and, preferably, renounce their citizenship before they turn into the next Edward Snowden, Ross Ulbricht, Aaron Swartz, Bradley Manning or others trying to live free or expose the tyranny in the USSA.

Our thoughts today, however, go out to Ross, his mother Lynn and his other family and good friends.  If you’d like to help in a retrial please go to  This cannot stand.

Our thoughts tomorrow, however, will return to exposing the largest, most dangerous and tyrannical government in the world, warning others to stand up to it now or just get away from it as quickly as possible.

Evil is enabled when good men do nothing.  And, I hope that many of us in the near future won’t have to utter the words, “First they came for Ross, and I did nothing…”.

Originally Appeared At The Dollar Vigilante

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