Brits and EU Plot Another Libyan War under “Humanitarian” Garb

EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini introduced a bill to the UN Security Council yesterday, drafted by the U.K., calling for authority to use military force in Libya, supposedly to stop the trafficking in refugees through the Mediterranean. Sounding very much like the original authorization for a “no-fly zone to protect civilians” in Libya in 2011, which was then used to justify an all-out bombing campaign and the overthrow and murder of Qaddafi, the bill is being drafted under Chapter 7 of the UN charter which allows the use of force and would give an EU maritime force the right to act in Libyan territorial waters.

Britain’s Guardian reported yesterday that the operation would come under Italian command, with 10 EU countries engaged, including Britain, France, Spain, and Italy, “and could also drag in NATO although there are no plans for initial alliance involvement.”

The Guardian also reports that the British draft

“is believed to call for the use of all means to destroy the business model of the traffickers. This would entail having EU vessels in Libyan territorial waters, including the Royal Navy flagship HMS Bulwark, currently in Malta, and deploying helicopter gunships to neutralize identified traffickers ships”

for destruction. Since neither of the competing Libyan governments have approved, and since the Libyan army has anti-aircraft and other military equipment to protect its borders, such an operation would almost certainly become another full-scale war on Libya.

The Guardian claims that Mogherini, following a visit to Beijing last week, “believes the Chinese will not block the mission at the Security Council,” adding that her staff are “confident that Russia can be persuaded against wielding its Security Council veto” to stop the new war.

However, unlike Obama’s 2011 war, when China and Russia abstained under the false promises from Obama that it was only “humanitarian protection” and not be regime change, Russia appears unwilling to be suckered again. Russian Ambassador to the UN Vitaly Churkin last week said the plan to destroy the vessels was “going too far.” 

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