California land mass sinking at record rate as farmers desperately drill new wells to use up ground water

‘The days of abundant water are a distant memory for farmers in California. For the Central Valley, the wells are about to run dry.

California’s Central Valley is now reportedly sinking at a rate never seen during the state’s historic drought, and farmers are shouldering part of the blame as they continue to pump the land dry in an effort to keep their businesses afloat.

Steve Arthur of Arthur & Orum Well Drilling is drilling wells as fast as his rig will allow him. The demand has been insatiable, and waiting lists as long as 18 months have developed during the state’s drought. Some farmers are willing to pay two or three times the price of a regular well by contracting people out of state. This clearly illustrates the desperation of the current water situation as farmers become willing to do almost anything to tap into an available water supply.’

Read more: California land mass sinking at record rate as farmers desperately drill new wells to use up ground water

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