Calls grow for government-run BBC to be abolished: it’s nothing more than state propaganda

‘The most recognized name in U.K. mass media by far, BBC News has officially been dubbed irrelevant by several major private news outlets that — unlike their British Crown-owned target — supposedly have no affiliation with any government or its associated state-issued propaganda.

The Telegraph recently published a piece chastising BBC News for embodying what it says are tenets of what George Orwell, author of the chilling fantasy novel 1984, described as “the shallow self-righteousness of the Left-wing intelligentsia.”

Backing this up, Martin Durkin, writing for the right-leaning Breitbart news syndication service, compared the relevance of state-owned broadcasting services like BBC’s to the relevance of communism — in other words, they’re not relevant at all, in his view.’

Read more: Calls grow for government-run BBC to be abolished: it's nothing more than state propaganda

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