CDC exposed as for-profit corporation colluding with Big Pharma to corrupt government

‘If it often seems like America’s “civil servants” and public officials no longer work for us, the people, it’s because they don’t. The government today, both locally and federally, has been hijacked and turned into a private corporation, including the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which is definitively nothing more than a for-profit business perpetuating both its own continued existence and the corporate agendas of its puppet masters.

Just to be clear, this isn’t just some tongue-in-cheek rant expressing dissatisfaction with government “incompetence,” or with the actions of the current political party “in charge” — it’s an undeniable fact that inevitably leads us all much further down the rabbit hole, and a truth that more Americans need to understand for the purpose of learning how to both escape from the clutches of Government Inc. and ultimately shut it down.’

Read more: CDC exposed as for-profit corporation colluding with Big Pharma to corrupt government

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