Declassified DIA Documents Can Bring Down Obama Now

Newly released “Secret” Defense Intelligence Agency documents from 2012 prove that President Obama knew that the September 11, 2012, attack on the US mission in Benghazi, Libya, which resulted in the murders of US Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other American officials, was a premeditated attack by a local Al Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood affiliate. The DIA document, dated September 12, 2012—just hours after the deadly attack—circulated widely among American national security officials, including to the White House, and showed, conclusively, that the assault on the US diplomatic compound and CIA annex was known to have been an Al Qaeda operation.

As the result of the May 18 release of that DIA document and over 100 pages of Defense Department and State Department “Secret” documents, the evidence is now conclusive: President Barack Obama willfully lied to the American people and to the US Congress, to cover up the fact that the United States had been attacked by an Al Qaeda organization that the President had claimed was defeated, as a key feature of the presidential re-election campaign.

The President has been caught committing “high crimes and misdemeanors” against the US Constitution. He must be impeached immediately.

After being informed of the release of the DIA documents, as the result of a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) law suit by Judicial Watch, Lyndon LaRouche declared that “The preconditions for President Obama’s removal from office have now been met. The evidence is conclusive, and is now in the public domain.”

LaRouche warned that the release of the DIA “smoking gun” will drive President Obama to acts of desperation. “Expect acts of desperation from Obama. His regime is about to be dumped.”

The September 12, 2012 DIA “Secret” document stated, in part:

“The attack on the American consulate in Benghazi was planned and executed by the Brigade of Captive Omar Abdul Rahman (BCOAR). BCOAR is also responsible for past attacks on the Red Cross in Benghazi and the attack on the British ambassador, they have approximately 120 members. The BCOAR are connected to Ansar al Sharia katiba, commanded by Sufian al GUMMA.

“…The attack was planned ten or more days prior on approximately 01 September 2012. The intention was to attack the consulate and to kill as many Americans as possible, to seek revenge for the US killing of Aboyahiye ALALIBY in Pakistan and in memorial of the 11 September 2001 attack on the World Trade Center buildings.

“The leader of BCOAR is Abdul Baset AZUZ, AZUZ was sent by ZAWARI to set up Al Qaeda (AQ) bases in Libya.”

Other DIA documents released as part of the FOIA action included an October 2012 report, documenting the flow of weapons from Benghazi into the hands of jihadist Syrian rebels. Another DIA report from August 2012 documented the strong Al Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood ties of the leading Syrian opposition groups, and actually anticipated the creation of an Islamic State on the border region of Syria and Iraq.

The question now before the US Congress and the American people, is whether the mandate for President Obama’s impeachment will be acted upon, before a major catastrophe, including a potential thermonuclear war, is unleashed by a desperate Obama.

LaRouche, who worked closely with Presidents Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton on specific national security policies, noted that the release of the DIA evidence against President Obama affords a unique opportunity to revive the US Presidency, which has been in a state of degeneracy since the British Crown launched their 1997-1998 campaign to bring down the Clinton presidency—at the precise moment that Clinton was launching a major overhaul of the bankrupt global financial system. “The first consequence of the destruction of Bill Clinton was the repeal of Glass-Steagall, which was followed by eight disastrous years of the George W. Bush and Dick Cheney Administration, now followed by the even more disastrous Obama Presidency,” LaRouche said.

The new revelations offer a perfect moment of opportunity to not only remove Obama from office by Constitutional means; but to restore the Presidency, reinstate Glass-Steagall, and launch a desperately-needed economic revival. This, LaRouche concluded, “is an opportunity that we cannot miss, if humanity is to survive.”

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