Donetsk republic official comments on Poroshenko’s words on regaining Donbas and Crimea

‘President Petro Poroshenko saying that the war in Ukraine will end when Kiev regains Donbas and Crimea only leads to escalation of the conflict, the official envoy of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic to the Contact Group, Denis Pushilin, said on Friday.

“Such statements of Poroshenko are aimed at escalating the conflict in Donbas. This once again confirms the fact that Kiev is not ready to implement all the conditions of the Minsk agreements,” Pushilin was quoted by the Donetsk news agency as saying.

The Donetsk republic’s negotiator said the words of the official Kiev reflect the similar stance of its “overseas sponsors” who are not interested in the peaceful settlement in the war-torn region.’

Read more: Donetsk republic official comments on Poroshenko’s words on regaining Donbas and Crimea

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