Dump Obama Now or Face Imminent Global War

On Wednesday, April 29, a group of thirty retired generals and diplomats from the United States, Russia, China, India, Britain, Germany, France, Pakistan, South Korea, and Israel issued a dire warning that the world is in grave danger of thermonuclear extinction. The report, issued by the Global Zero Commission, chaired by former US Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. James Cartwright, called on the US and Russia to immediately reach an agreement to end the policy of “launch on warning,” under which the world is held hostage to a hair-trigger doctrine of immediate thermonuclear exchanges.

The 100-page report, which was preceded by a New York Times op-ed on April 19, signed by Gen. Cartwright and by Russian General Vladimir Dvorkin, the retired head of intelligence for Russia’s Strategic Rocket Force, echoed warnings that have been made by American statesman Lyndon LaRouche, and others, for the last four years, about the growing danger of thermonuclear extinction.


LaRouche’s unique contribution to the war-avoidance drive is that he has identified the underlying reasons for the growing threat of thermonuclear Armageddon, in the desperation of the British Empire over the doom of its global financial dictatorship, and the emergence of a truly human alternative in the BRICS and New Silk Road initiatives, led by China, Russia and India in concert.

The only problem with the otherwise appropriate call, by the retired generals and diplomats, for a thermonuclear de-escalation, through an end to the short-fuse doctrine of launch on warning, is that it will never happen—so long as Barack Obama remains in office as President. Obama is a witting tool of the very forces that are desperate to eliminate the vast majority of the human race—even if it risks thermonuclear extinction. He is not only a British agent; he is too much of a relic of his mother and her killer antics in Indonesia and other parts of Southeast Asia.

Only by removing Obama from office—on readily available Constitutional grounds—can the world ever be secure.

The same Obama factor is evident in the escalation towards war in Southwest Asia. With the recent days’ purge in Saudi Arabia, the hardcore Al Qaeda faction within the Saudi Royal Family has not only tightened their grip on power. On behalf of their partners in London, they are driving the region towards a perpetual sectarian war, stretching from Yemen all the way to the eastern shores of the Mediterranean in Syria and Lebanon. King Salman has sealed a secret deal with President Erdogan of Turkey to back Al Qaeda forces in an intensified drive to overthrow the Assad government in Damascus.

When Gulf Cooperation Council heads of state come to meet with Obama at Camp David on May 14, Obama is ready to throw his support behind the drive to blow up the entire Southwest Asia, Persian Gulf, Eastern Mediterranean region, by trading off support for the Saudi-led war drive in exchange for nominal support for the P5+1 deal with Iran.

Again, Lyndon LaRouche was way out ahead in warning, right after the Geneva announcement of a P5+1 framework agreement last month, that unless the U.S. really put the screws on Saudi Arabia, the deal would be nothing but a trigger for a big regional war. Obama persists in giving cover to the Saudis, by refusing to release the 28-page chapter from the original Joint Congressional Inquiry into 9/11, a chapter that details the Saudi funding of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks.

For these crimes—and many, many more—Obama must be removed from office now. Anything less than that immediate action places mankind at risk of extinction. Not only is the President guilty of impeachable crimes against the Constitution. His behavior—risking a thermonuclear Armageddon—qualifies him to be immediately ousted under the 25th Amendment, which provides for the removal of president who is no longer physically or psychologically fit to serve.

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