Google’s Driverless Cars Involved In Accidents, But ‘Police Reports Remain Hidden’

‘Many people have been unaware that Google’s driverless “concept” car has been provisionally deemed ‘road legal’ by the Department of Motor Vehicles, and have been active on California’s roads over the last 12 months. That’s not all…

As it turns out, Google ‘Self-Driving electric car is not as ‘idiot proof’ as they thought. It’s been causing accidents. Why police are remaining so tight-lipped about this trend is unknown, but there could be a classified ‘DARPA-like’ aspect to this new tech.

It’s all been a bit hush-hush on Google’s end who want the public to believe that their driverless cars are no worse than human drivers behind the wheel.’

Read more: Google’s Driverless Cars Involved In Accidents, But 'Police Reports Remain Hidden'

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