How You Can Manually Change the World: Turn Off Your TV

‘It’s been called the greatest mind control device known to humanity, and amazingly it’s the one addiction that when truly broken can most change your life forever. Yes, that’s how bad this problem of mind control has become. You can cut the degree of mind control deception with a knife, it’s so thick. Freeing oneself from such a deep level of deception is a mental freedom you can only truly understand if you have experienced it yourself.

Consider the prospects of going from a full state of being mesmerized in a controlled environment to one of freedom. Mental freedom and spiritual freedom that is. Perhaps these are the two most important freedoms. Physical freedom, on the other hand, is usually the first to go and the one we’d like to think we will fight for and defend. It (the physical freedom) is the one they always threaten to take away. This physical freedom is the image of freedom we all dream about, for what good is freedom of speech if it’s at a prison or concentration camp?’

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