Israel blames Arab neighbors for stalling on nuclear-free zone

‘Israel is blaming its Arab neighbors for the failure of progress toward achieving a Middle East free of nuclear weapons, saying that “if a serious regional effort has not emerged in the Middle East during the last five years, it is not because of Israel.”


Israel’s statement, distributed Thursday to a global conference on a landmark disarmament treaty, is the country’s first public comment since it showed up as a surprise observer. Israel has never publicly declared its nuclear weapons, and it is not a party to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

As an observer nation, it cannot address the ongoing conference, where many countries have expressed frustration that a key meeting toward a Middle East nuclear weapons-free zone, promised for 2012, has not taken place. That goal was set the last time the conference met five years ago.’

Read more: Israel blames Arab neighbors for stalling on nuclear-free zone

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