Israel ‘pressures Ban Ki-moon’ to get off UN list of children’s rights violators in wars

‘Israel is allegedly pulling diplomatic strings to pressurize the UN Secretary-General to exclude it from an annual list of countries accused of violating children’s rights in armed conflicts. Israel denies the allegations.

Despite the slaughter of hundreds of Palestinian children in the IDF Israeli operation in Gaza in 2014, Tel Aviv wants to somehow preserve a squeaky clean image and is putting pressure on the UN central office to that end.

Initially, the draft of the document prepared by the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon’s special envoy for children, Leila Zerrougui, included the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) on the list for attacking schools and hospitals in the Gaza Strip conflict last year, Reuters reported.’

Read more: Israel 'pressures Ban Ki-moon' to get off UN list of children's rights violators in wars

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