Jerry Brown: ‘Conserve’ Is the Only Water Policy; Cripple Desalination

Gov. Jerry Brown’s California State Water Control Board officially put Brown’s killer cuts in water usage into effect on April 21. On May 6, the Water Control Board added new “rules” — really restrictions — against ocean water desalination in the state, reinforcing that Brown’s policy is, “conserve until you leave” — or die.

The desalination “rule” were promulgated as applications for desalination plants in the state are multiplying, usually coming from municipalities along California’s 800-mile Pacific Ocean coast, and their contracting engineering companies. The rules “could add hundreds of millions of dollars to the cost of proposed desalination plants,” according to a long report in U-T San Diego. They will also open avenues for greenie lawsuits against plants. The new rules will make desalinated water twice as expensive as recycled waste water, says Poseidon, the company getting ready to open a 50 million gallon/day plant in Carlsbad, San Diego County.

The plans for these plants, as for example, the Huntington Beach plant scheduled for operation in late 2017, will now have to be redone, to see if the builders, such as Poseidon, can still afford to build the plants. The Carlsbad plant will have to be retrofitted after it opens later this year, although it is state-of-the-art technology.

The rule reads in part: “The amendment requires new or expanded seawater desalination plants to use the best available site, design, technology, and mitigation measures feasible to minimize intake and mortality of all forms of marine life. Based on the best available science, the amendments identify preferred technologies; however, alternative intake and disposal methods can be used if demonstrated to be as protective of marine life as the preferred technologies. Additionally, mitigation measures are required in order to address damage to marine life that occurs, after the best available site, design, and technology feasible are used.”

One can anticipate the reaction of these population killers when experiments in atmospheric ionization to produce rain — a real technological frontier — begin in the state, as called for by Lyndon LaRouche and LaRouchePAC. These experiments have been successful in many countries in the world; but in Mexico where they first demonstrated themselves, they were killed by the National Water Commission, Conagua, then headed by Jose Luis Luege Tamargo, an aficionado of the genocidalist World Wildlife Fund.

Brown will kill them too, if still in the governor’s chair. If California wants to live, he has to be thrown out of it.

SEE “Managing the Global Water Cycle”

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