LaRouche: History Will Be Made This Week and Next

“China is rapidly modifying the map of the world economy… and contributing to an unprecedented cycle of growth,” Alicia Barcena, the Executive Director of the U.N. Economic Conference on Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) stated excitedly yesterday, as she hosted a conference of ECLAC in Santiago, Chile, with the participation of President Michelle Bachelet and the visiting Premier of China, Li Keqiang. The conference was appropriately titled: “Towards a New Era of Economic Cooperation.”

Chile was the last leg of Li’s four-country tour of South America, and he announced that his government would encourage Chinese companies to participate in the building of a “two-ocean tunnel” under the Andes, connecting Chile and Argentina, which would be the key component of a transcontinental railroad connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans through Chile, Argentina, Paraguay and Brazil. Just a few days earlier, China, Peru and Brazil had signed a Memorandum of Understanding for a feasibility study on another, more northern transcontinental railroad to be built across South America.

It should be noted just how far, and how quickly, things have moved in South America in the less-than-a-year since the BRICS-Unasur summit in Brazil in July 2014. As we noted at the time, Argentina had led the way earlier in the Spring in being the first country to break with the sinking trans-Atlantic system and going with the BRICS, and most of South America is now following suit.

The British Empire and their puppet Obama are not amused, but they don’t have a whole lot of cards to play to stop this emerging New Paradigm, other than launching thermonuclear World War III—and of course using the totally discredited so-called “Duggan affair” to try to bad-mouth Lyndon LaRouche, who has been one of the driving intellectual forces behind the World Land-Bridge now under construction by the BRICS and their allies.

Now, leading into this year’s BRICS summit in Ufa, Russia on July 8-9, similar strategic developments are taking shape around Greece and Europe—but this is going to play out differently than the South American situation, Lyndon LaRouche stated today. This one directly involves the United States—and the danger that President Obama will move to launch thermonuclear war in the short term.

Greece’s government continues to make it clear that they have chosen to pay wages and pensions to their impoverished population, rather than continuing to pay the IMF and its other creditors on debt which is largely illegitimate. If Greece does indeed fail to meet its 300 million euro payment to the IMF on June 5, its 30-day grace period—after which an official default could be announced—would come due on July 5… three days before the BRICS summit opens in Ufa!

Will Angela Merkel et al. really be so stupid as to push Greece out of the Eurozone? If so, Lyndon LaRouche has repeatedly warned, it will be the demise, not of Greece, but of the entire trans-Atlantic financial system, which in any event is thoroughly bankrupt.

Today LaRouche underscored that the world is now on a fast-count to potential thermonuclear war, if Obama is not removed from office. When the Eurozone system blows out, this will force the crisis to center stage in the United States. Wall Street and related institutions will be sunk, and if Obama remains in the Presidency the world will be headed toward war.

The upcoming May 30 announcement by Martin O’Malley of his candidacy for the Presidency of the United States, LaRouche emphasized, is going to change everything in this country. Hillary Clinton cannot make it; her candidacy is not going to work. The Republicans have major problems too. So when the breakdown of the European system comes, the issue will be called in the U.S. Which means that the next couple of weeks are decisive.

Over the next three weeks, nations on various continents will be directly presented Lyndon LaRouche’s programmatic alternative to today’s genocidal system: on May 28, at the Lima, Peru conference where Helga Zepp-LaRouche and China’s Dr. Liu Youfa will be featured speakers; on June 6, at our next major conference in New York City; and so on.

So enjoy the British Empire’s discomfiture.

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