Macedonia ‘Maidan’ Is Attempted London Attack on the Whole BRICS

The crucial role of a BRICS Bank offer of membership to Greece, contributing to a toughening of the Greek government’s commitment to its population against the bankrupt EU “creditors,” has been met with a counterattack by London and NATO — in neighboring Macedonia. This is an explicit attempt to repeat the “Maidan” uprising and coup in Macedonia, which dragged Ukraine into the bankrupt arms of the EU and NATO a year ago.

A week ago Greece was defaulting on the IMF, which “blinked” and essentially proposed a trick by which it would pay itself the $750 million payment “due” from Greece. Greece’s determination to restore employment, wages, and pensions — and not to pay, or contract any further debts which compromise this — was thus sufficiently shown. Greece is very close to giving China’s COSCO the contract to develop the Port of Piraeus and the surrounding rail system.

The City of London’s first counterattack is to collapse the Greek banking system, using the European Central Bank to force a formal split from the euro, where it cannot force more austerity. Greek 2- and 3-year bond interest rates are spiking upward today as a result — but, so are those of other so-called “peripheral” EU economies, showing contagion which was not supposed to occur.

The second weapon, against the BRICS-allied nations as a whole, is being deployed in Macedonia. At an anti-government rally of 10-20,000 in the capital, Skopje, opposition leader Zoran Zaev proclaimed yesterday that if Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski did not resign, “there will be war here like in Ukraine.” EU diplomats flagrantly marched at the head of the demonstration — the mark of the Maidan. Zaev, whose party has received George Soros funds for years, told the Soros-owned NOVA-TV that the opposition had brought “2,000 young people who know karate and kick-box.”

Macedonia is on China’s Maritime Silk Road, on the route of the gas pipeline agreed by Russia and Turkey into Europe, and is opposed to the sanctions against Russia. And, its economy is growing at a near 5% annual rate, according to the IMF.

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