Monsanto gets sued for falsely advertising glyphosate as non-toxic to humans

‘A class action lawsuit coming out of California could deal another hard blow to the infamous Monsanto Corporation. The lawsuit is pointing out what – that glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup, is killing not only plants but also targeting specific enzymes in the microbiome of the human gut.

The more we apply glyphosate in agriculture and on lawns, the greater its residue in food products. Ultimately glyphosate residue makes its way into our gut and kills important species of bacteria that we depend on to stay healthy. The good bacteria colonies are responsible for regulating our immune system and helping it respond to invading pathogens. These bacteria help the body break down nutrients and also protect the gut wall from being penetrated by other toxins.’

Read more: Monsanto gets sued for falsely advertising glyphosate as non-toxic to humans

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