New Benghazi Documents Show Obama Lied to the American People and Should Immediately Be Impeached

More than 100 pages requested under the Freedom of Information Act have been released to Judicial Watch. These documents, which are merely the tip of the iceberg, must lead to an immediate escalation of the investigation being conducted by the House Select Committee Investigating Benghazi, and to the immediate impeachment of Barack Obama. Three of these documents prove:

1. Obama knew as of Sept. 12, 2012, that the attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi was carried out by the Al-Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood-linked “Brigades of the Captive Oma Abdul Rahman” (BCOAR) and had been planned at least 10 days in advance to occur on the anniversary of 9/11, 2001, and in revenge for the drone assassination ordered by Obama of Libyan Al-Qaeda leader Abu Yahya al-Libi in Pakistan in June 2012.

2. Obama knew that arms shipments were being made from Benghazi to Syria from Oct. 2011 until early September 2012 and did nothing to stop them despite a UN arms embargo.

3. Obama knew as of August 2012 that his policy would result in the establishment of a caliphate by ISIS in Syria and Iraq.

The first document published by the Department of Defense on Sept. 12, 2012, the day after the Sept. 11, 2012, attack on the U.S. mission and CIA annex in Benghazi, has the subject line:

“Brigades of the Captive Omar Abdul Rahman Claim Responsibility for Attack on Benghazi, Libya.”

The document reports that “the group has training locations around Libya and subscribe to AQ ideologies.”

“The attack on the American consulate in Benghazi was planned and executed by The Brigades of the Captive Omar Abdul Rahman (BCOAR). BCOAR is also responsible for past attacks on the Red Cross in Benghazi and the attack on the British ambassador, they have approximately 120 members. The BCOAR are connected to Ansar al Sharia katiba, commanded by Sofian AL ((GUMMA)), they are based in Derna but have a branch in Benghazi. Ansar al Sharia share the same ideology as BCOAR….

“The attack was planned ten or more days prior on approximately 01 September 2012. The intention was to attack the consulate and to kill as many Americans as possible to seek revenge for U.S. killing of Aboyahiye (ALALIBY)) in Pakistan and in memorial of the 11 September 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center buildings.

“The leader of BCOAR is Abdul Baset ((AZUZ)), AZUZ was sent by ((ZAWARI)) to set up Al Qaeda (AQ) bases in Libya.”

The second document published by the Department of Defense on October 12, 2012, states:

“Weapons from the former Libya military stockpiles were shipped from the port of Benghazi, Libya to the Port of Banias and the Port of Borj Islam, Syria. The weapons shipped during late August 2012 were sniper rifles, RPG’s, and 125 mm and 155 mm howitzers missiles.

“During the immediate aftermath of, and following the uncertainty caused by, the downfall of the ((Qaddafi)) regime in October 2011 and up until early September of 2012, weapons from the former Libya military stockpiles located in Benghazi, Libya were shipped from the port of Benghazi, Libya to the ports of Banias and the Port of Borj Islam Syria.”

The third document published by the Department of Defense on August 12, 2012, reports that the opposition in Syria was driven by Al Qaeda and would lead to the establishment of an ISIS caliphate in Syria and Iraq:

“The Salafist, the Muslim Brotherhood and AQI are the major forces driving the insurgency in Syria.

“AQI is familiar with Syria. AQI trained in Syria and then infiltrated into Iraq.

“AQI supported the Syrian opposition from the beginning….”

The report makes the following future assumptions of the crisis:

“The regime will survive and have control over Syrian territory.

“Opposition forces are trying to control the Eastern areas adjacent to the Western Iraqi provinces (Mosul and Anbar), in addition to neighboring Turkish borders. Western countries, the Gulf States and Turkey are supporting these efforts. This hypothesis is most likely in accordance with the data from recent events, which will help prepare safe havens under international sheltering, similar to what transpired in Libya when Benghazi was chosen as the command center of the temporary government.

“If the situation unravels there is the possibility of establishing a declared or undeclared Salafist principality in Eastern Syria and this is exactly what the supporting powers to the opposition want, in order to isolate the Syrian regime….

“This creates the ideal atmosphere for AQI to return to its old pockets in Mosul and Ramadi, and will provide a renewed momentum under the presumption of unifying the jihad among Sunni Iraq and Syria, and the rest of the Sunnis in the Arab world against what it considers one enemy, the Dissenters. ISI could also declare an Islamic State through its union with other terrorist organizations in Iraq and Syria, which will create grave danger in regards to unifying Iraq and the protection of its territory.”

These three documents alone establish that Barack Obama lied to the American people about Benghazi, knew of and permitted illegal arms shipments to Syria, and was warned years in advance that this policy, which he supported, would lead to the emergence of an ISIS caliphate in Syria and Iraq.

It is high time that Barack Obama be held responsible and removed from office.

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