‘Not enough cells’ for child abusers

‘Child sex abuse is so rife in Britain that there is not enough land in the country to build the number of prisons needed to house the perpetrators, the Deputy Children’s Commissioner for England has warned.
Sue Berelowitz, who is currently chairing the government’s inquiry into the problem said the public would be shocked by the sheer scale of the problem when she reports in November.

She blamed the spread of pornography through the internet and social media for the growing problem of an increasingly sexualised society.

Speaking at the Hay Festival, Mrs Berelowitz said: “We live in a highly sexualised world in which for the most part it is considered quite acceptable to do as they want with females, and too many females think that is something they must comply with because they think it is a part of growing up.’

Read more: 'Not enough cells' for child abusers

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