Oust Obama, Resurrect the U.S. Presidency

The proverbial smoking gun provided by the recent release of DIA documents–which prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Barack Obama committed “high crimes and misdemeanors” around the Benghazi case–is only one piece of an overall process of “tumult in the Presidential system,” Lyndon LaRouche stressed, which must immediately be resolved by Obama’s removal from office.

This process cannot be understood by looking at particular issues, one by one, LaRouche insisted, or seeking “short-cut answers, which don’t work.” Over the last two decades, the Presidency of the United States was seized and hijacked by the British Empire, in response to LaRouche’s work with the Reagan and Clinton administrations, which threatened the very existence of that Empire. Now, with the BRICS alternative on the table for the entire world, the U.S. Presidency must resume its role in the rightful leadership of that planetary process–as opposed to its current slavish support for British economic genocide and thermonuclear war. “Baby steps will not work,” LaRouche said. “The rate of change of world events is such that baby steps will lose ground. You either have to go whole hog, or nothing.”

Lyndon LaRouche re-stated the matter in the following terms, in a discussion today with the LaRouchePAC National Policy Committee:

“When I operated in Russia after coming out of the ‘joint’ [1994], and I began to deal with getting Russia out of the mess it was in, after what had happened. And then, of course, in between that time, we had the swindler, a leading Russian figure, was a swindler and we were stuck with that thing, and they had a meeting and asked me to chair it. So, I fell in there, with the leading people in Russia at that time, and we came up with a policy. I transmitted the policy to Bill Clinton, and we were going to go with it; we actually started it.

“But then you had this guy, this bum, who was put in there, and he began running a big swindle. So at that point Bill intervened against the bankruptcy of the Russian administration.

“At that point, the whole attack on Bill came: And it came from the Queen of England, from her key agent, control agent, which ran the Republican Party! And they set Bill up. And they put a woman in there, who was actually sucking men’s penises, from the West Coast into the East Coast. And this was the circumstance which was used to try to destroy Bill Clinton.

“As a result of that whole process, there has not been a decent Presidency, of the United States, since what happened to Bill Clinton. And that’s why the U.S. government has been destroyed! Because of the operations against me, and Bill Clinton. And if you don’t tell that story, you don’t have any facts that mean anything. That’s the essence of the matter…

This whole thing is one piece, and it goes back to the time that I was actually involved in the strategic defense policy. And this was done under a sequence of people. And I was put in the jug, because of my success in coming very close to bringing about a general peace security system. We were on the edge of it. And then the British intervened with a design, turned the Russian thing around, and then we were back at war again.

“And what all this thing has been, has been my role, especially in the late 1970s, through that entire process, to the present day: That is one, single continuity. There is no separation of the parts. And if you want to accomplish something, in dealing with the situation now, you’ve got to stick to that unified composition. Otherwise, it doesn’t make any sense. And the key thing was, that the reason we have a problem in the past four, or now what is about the fourth Presidency, that the whole problem we have today is based on that issue!

And trying to take parts of it, and put them together, and saying, ‘this part is this, and this local thing is this, and this local thing is that, and something else is different…’

“I mean, history has a continuity to it. Real history has a continuity to it, and you can’t get rid of the continuity. If you try to fragment the case and break it down into fragments, then you’ve got a complete loss of control of the whole situation. In other words, what happens in a sense, between the end of the 1970s and today, is a one, single, perfectly unified process, and you cannot divide it into parts. “Unfortunately, the 20th century education has destroyed society’s ability to understand how history works.”

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