Phony Revolutionaries – the Patsies and Dupes of the Establishment

‘Men have been manipulated for millennia by the governing class through the technique of fear through internal and external threats. While it is true that in tribal societies the external (and sometimes internal) threat was very real, the extent of the plebian mind remained in the dialectic of “we good, they bad.”

Today man is no different, but what is different is that the halls and levers of power are less visible than in ancient civilizations. The average American in our day can watch Game of Thrones where political elites manipulate their underlings and one another on a daily basis, yet remain ever unable to translate this into the real world.

Some years back, I wrote a piece on engineered revolution, where I explain how the philosophy of revolution is a faith-based system – a technology for destabilization and transformation. At the time of the “Arab Spring” and concomitant “color revolutions,” I wrote:’

Read more: Phony Revolutionaries – the Patsies and Dupes of the Establishment

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