Police state government to start surveilling your poop in real time for illicit drug use … RFID tag readers in toilets will upload urine composition to the feds

‘The runaway surveillance state in America has just taken a leap into the gutter. Or the sewer, actually, where government goons running their fraudulent “war on drugs” have begun to monitor raw sewage for traces of illicit drug use.

The American Chemical Society reports this as GOOD news, saying:

The war on drugs could get a boost with a new method that analyzes sewage to track levels of illicit drug use in local communities in real time. The new study, a first-of-its-kind in the U.S., was published in the ACS journal Environmental Science & Technology and could help law enforcement identify new drug hot spots and monitor whether anti-drug measures are working.’

Read more: Police state government to start surveilling your poop in real time for illicit drug use … RFID tag readers in toilets will upload urine composition to the feds

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