Rand Paul and Mark Sanford: Stop the NSA’s spying on Americans

In an op-ed in The Post and Courier, a South Carolina based newspaper, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul and South Carolina Congressman write that it is time to end the NSA’s bulk data collection. From the article:

Section 215 allows for secret court orders to collect “tangible things” that could be relevant to a government investigation — a far lower threshold and more expansive reach than a warrant based on probable cause.

The list of possible “tangible things” the government can obtain without a warrant is seemingly limitless and can include things like driver license records and Internet browsing history.

Ironically enough, the court of appeals for the Second Circuit deemed this bulk collection of data to be illegal.

Yet just a week later, the House of Representatives voted to turn this illegal act into law.

While we believe U.S. intelligence should keep a close watch on suspected terrorists, the U.S. Constitution should not be trampled in the process.

As the Senate tries to pass legislation extending the NSA’s ability to spy on innocent Americans, it is vital that your Senators hear from you that you oppose any legislation, including the USA Freedom Act, that allows the government to collect bulk data on innocent Americans.

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