Roomba Maker to Develop ‘Smart Robots’ to Surveil Your Home

‘iRobot, the maker of the popular Roomba robot vacuum, wants to develop roving robots which use on-board cameras to map your home and identify what you own.

The intent, according to iRobot CEO Colin Angle, is to construct a map “for tasking a growing team of robots that are in your home.” “The natural map maker in the home will be a robot — because home is not a static place,” he told Mashable.

After the probe droids surveil your house, the information would be combined with data from other smart devices and shared to other robots, such as your Roomba, which would then know, for example, to avoid your bedroom because your “smart bed” says you’re sleeping.

Journalistic objectivity aside, that’s pretty damn creepy.’

Read more: Roomba Maker to Develop 'Smart Robots' to Surveil Your Home

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