Saudi and Bahrain Kings Skipping Obama’s Camp David Summit

Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir announced Sunday that King Salman will not attend Obama’s Summit with the Arab Gulf States at Camp David this week, while Bahrain, home of the U.S. Fifth Fleet, also announced they were sending the Crown Prince rather than King Khalifa.

The Sultan of Oman and the President of the UAE are also not attending, for health reasons.

The snub is further evidence that, as LaRouche has said, Obama is a patsy in the British-Saudi plan for war across the Mideast, aimed at sparking a global war. The Saudis are sending the newly appointed Crown Prince Mohammed bin Nayef and Deputy Crown Prince (King Salman’s son) Mohammed bin Salman, who are also the interior and defense ministers respectively.

The recent shakeup that made these two the primary power behind the thrown was based on their close ties to the Wahhabi fanatics and their support for the war on Yemen, Syria, and eventually Iran. That’s the message Obama can expect.

The Wall Street Journal coverage makes this clear, under the headline “Rulers Snub Arab Summit, Clouding U.S. Bid for Iran Deal.” LaRouche has warned since the tentative P5+1 agreement with Iran was signed that, if nothing was done to counter the British-Saudi-Israeli war plans for the region, the Iran agreement would become a set up for a war on Iran.

Only Kuwait and Qatar are sending their monarchs. The Kuwaiti emir, Sabah Al Ahmad Al Sabah, arrived at Andrews Air Force Base on Monday, while Qatar’s emir, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, will arrive Tuesday for the Thursday meeting at Camp David.

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