Say no to the scaremongers: Already the referendum doom merchants are lining up to insist Britain can’t survive outside the EU. Twaddle, says leading MEP Daniel Hannan

‘The General Election has only just finished, but the EU referendum campaign is already getting under way. The first settled which party would be in office; the second will settle whether elections in Britain matter at all.

Will the United Kingdom be an independent nation, trading with its friends on the Continent while living under its own laws? Or will it be part of a country called Europe?

David Cameron is touring EU capitals, making the case for relatively modest reforms. So far, his counterparts have played along, making a big fuss before the cameras over what they know to be quite trivial changes. Yet they haven’t changed their minds about the EU’s destination.’

Read more: Say no to the scaremongers: Already the referendum doom merchants are lining up to insist Britain can't survive outside the EU. Twaddle, says leading MEP Daniel Hannan

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