Stand With Rand, Oppose Any Patriot Act Extension

SPRINGFIELD, Virginia – Today, Campaign for Liberty encouraged the U.S. Senate to join Senator Rand Paul to oppose any so-called “Patriot” Act extension and reject phony NSA “reform” and finally end the NSA’s bulk collection of innocent Americans’ data.

The USA Freedom Act, sponsored by Senators Mike Lee(R-UT) and Patrick Leahy (D-VT), would extend and amend three controversial surveillance provisions; Sections 206 and 215 of the Patriot Act and Section 6001 of the 2004 Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act. The amendments will not, however, prevent warrantless and widespread surveillance of Americans and continues to allow the NSA to violate the 4th Amendment rights of innocent Americans.

Campaign for Liberty opposes any bill, including the USA Freedom Act, that extends the NSA’s power to spy on innocent Americans.

“The American people rightly believe that the NSA’s spying programs must end,” said Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul.

“As usual, the Senate is way behind the times and attempting to pull a fast one on the American people by trying to pass fake reforms in order to silence their critics. It is vital the U.S. Senate hears the American people loud and clear which is why I urge all Americans who value privacy to stand with Rand until the NSA stands down.”


Tell your Senators to Stand With Rand to End the NSA surveillance! 



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