Swedish Politician: US is the True Cause of the Masses of Refugees from the Middle East; Al Qaeda and ISIS Created, Funded, Trained and Armed By the CIA

‘As you may realize, the culprit is not a spontaneously self-organized little group of fanatic islamists, that neither the US nor NATO is able to contain. If you really thought that, think again!

The USA has spent many trillions of dollars during the last decade alone, on its ”defence” against these dangerous terrorists all over the world. And it is this ”defence” which, without provocation, bombed to smithereens more than half a dozen Muslim countries and thus caused the profuse stream of refugees to the affluent countries of the EU.

Incidentally, it is now well known that both Al Qaeda and ISIS were created, funded, trained and armed by the CIA and other US security and military agencies themselves, in order to stir up violence that could then be used as excuses to intervene with military force towards covert political and financial ends. All according to objective international analysts, coinciding with highly credible sources within the US establishment itself.’

Read more: Swedish Politician: US is the True Cause of the Masses of Refugees from the Middle East; Al Qaeda and ISIS Created, Funded, Trained and Armed By the CIA

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