Thatcher allowed paedophile to keep knighthood: Late former Prime Minister blocked plans to strip Sir Peter Hayman of honour

‘Margaret Thatcher blocked plans to strip a paedophile diplomat of his knighthood, according to confidential Government papers published for the first time today.

The then Prime Minister allowed Sir Peter Hayman to keep his knighthood even though she knew he was a member of the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) and had recently been convicted of gross indecency with another man in a public toilet.

Foreign Office files obtained by this newspaper under Freedom of Information laws show that Mrs Thatcher chose to warn Sir Peter – who died in 1992 – about his future conduct rather than strip him of the knighthood.’

Read more: Thatcher allowed paedophile to keep knighthood: Late former Prime Minister blocked plans to strip Sir Peter Hayman of honour

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