The Exceptional Empire

U.S. Has Already Started WWIII

Top economic and political experts say we’re drifting towards World War 3. And see this.

We noted in March that we’re already at war with Russia.  Many experts agree …

Former White House official Dr. Philippa Malmgren – former presidential adviser and member of the U.S. President’s Working Group on Financial Markets – said last December that the United States isalready at war with China and Russia:

I was recently at a meeting with a lot of very senior people from the defense community, and their view is that we are already in a nose-to-nose confrontation (war) with China and Russia.  But these (wars) are being conducted through cyberspace rather than through traditional conventional weapons.

An advisor to the US government – Scott Borg, CEO of US Cyber Consequences Unit – says that the United States has already started launching widespread hostile cyber warfare against Russia, China and Iran.

Indeed, the U.S. has admitted that it deployed cyber-warfare against Iran’s nuclear power plant.

Paul Craig Roberts – former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury under President Reagan, former editor of the Wall Street Journal, listed by Who’s Who in America as one of the 1,000 most influential political thinkers in the world  – says that U.S. war against Russia has already begun.

Mark Galeotti – a Full Professor of Global Affairs at the Center for Global Affairs at New York University, and a prominent expert on modern Russia – says “the West and Russia are already at war“.

Ron Paul says that sanctions are an act of war … and we’ve had sanctions on Russia and Iran for some time now.  And see this.

And the U.S. is threatening military confrontation in the South China Sea. China is taking the threat seriously.

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