The Planet as a Whole: A Race between the BRICS and the World War Party

The past weeks have seen an extraordinary consolidation of the economic partnership and mutual support among China, India, and Russia—the core of the BRICS impulse of scientific progress and economic growth, which is now reaching many nations. A “brotherhood,” as EIR Founding Editor Lyndon LaRouche recently called it, rather than an alliance of nations, some of which are driving the highest rates of productivity and growth in the world; others of which, desperately need that.

But the relatively bankrupt trans-Atlantic countries, with very bankrupt banking systems, are driving the world toward war—and not only the spreading, genocidal wars in the Mideast and Northern Africa which Bush and Obama, Blair and Cameron, and their Saudi allies have started.

This week, the battle was in full view in South Korea, where Indian Prime Minister Modi and U.S. Secretary of State Kerry were visiting at the same time.

India and Korea formed a strategic partnership; Korea extended $10 billion in credits for Indian infrastructure development, along with a commitment to bring to India, South Korea’s famously successful model for rural development. Modi presented the benefits of his “Make in India” campaign, for Korea.

Kerry, on the same day, dismayed his Korean hosts by blustering attacks on North Korea—virtual demands for war on the peninsula—and pushed the U.S. ballistic missile defense system Korea does not want, down their throats.

Kerry’s deputy, Victoria Nuland, spent three days in Ukraine, then that country’s President signed laws which effectively glorify the country’s Nazi collaboration during World War II and outlaw dissent against it; while the Obama Administration again emphasized that heavy weapons for Ukraine to fight Russia were “on the table.”

And London moved against Macedonia, with anti-government demonstrations led by European diplomats and promising “a war here like in Ukraine.” Macedonia is an important link on China’s “Maritime Silk Road” port-and-rail development corridor, and an opponent of anti-Russia sanctions. The attack against Macedonia is against the BRICS as a whole, which alliance is clearly giving Greece a live option to escape the murderous austerity and economic depression imposed on it by EU agencies.

The BRICS dynamic must prevail. The current U.S.-NATO policy of destroying the BRICS combination, encircling and confronting both Russia and China, is not only a bankrupt policy; it is leading toward thermonuclear war and potential human extinction.

Remove Obama—whose own party is in revolt against him over his pro-Wall Street and pro-London policies—and a new orientation for America toward the BRICS dynamic is possible.

Remove Obama—who today proclaimed Camden, New Jersey with its 15%-plus unemployment rate “a symbol of promise for the nation”—and Wall Street could be defeated, beginning with a new Glass-Steagall Act to throw the casino speculation out of banking.

Remove Obama and create a surge of credit for productivity and employment, using Alexander Hamilton’s credit policies—and the United States can join the BRICS in rebuilding the economies and broken-down labor forces of nations, including its own.

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