The Unholy Marriage of War and Disney

‘In September 2001, the Bush administration launched its “global war on terror,” to which its supporters later tried to attach names like “the long war” or “World War IV.” Their emphasis: that we were now engaged in nothing less than a multi-generational struggle without end.  (World War III had theoretically been the Cold War.)

In fact, only the “war on terror” would stick and, in 2009, even that would be tossed overboard when the Obama administration opted for a global war with no name at all.  Nonetheless, the idea that we were now in an eternal “wartime” became part of the post-9/11 atmosphere.  At the same time, George W. Bush famously called on Americans to act as if everything were normal — to spend, vacation, and visit Disney World.’

Read more: The Unholy Marriage of War and Disney

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