Think Strategically, Think Scientifically

The setback to Obama’s TPP free trade policy today in the U.S. Senate—at the hands principally of his “own” Democratic Party—is a bad bloody nose for him. It could be a real break in the dam, Lyndon LaRouche commented today, given how utterly contemptible Obama has become. He is now rolling down hill, and there is no way he can win—he can only screw things up.

On the other hand, the leadership of the BRICS nations are thinking strategically, LaRouche emphasized, as they rapidly move forward to put a new international financial architecture in place. China’s decision to double its planned investment in its joint project with Russia to build a 770-km high speed rail line between Moscow and Kazan, is indicative of such thinking. Similarly, Moscow’s invitation to Greece to join the BRICS New Development Bank and receive credit for development projects, which was personally transmitted to Prime Minister Tsipras by Deputy Finance Minister Sergei Storchak, including an invitation to meet with the BRICS representatives on the sidelines of the upcoming mid-June St. Petersburg International Economic Forum—which itself will be significantly shaped around spreading the BRICS process globally.

It’s not just that these BRICS policies have been placed on a fast track, LaRouche emphasized; they are strategic in design. They are designed to supplant the bankrupt trans-Atlantic financial system, and its attendant drive for thermonuclear war.

But don’t expect the British Empire to go quietly. For example, the Brazilian government of Dilma Rousseff is in their cross-hairs, as what they hope is a weak link in the BRICS chain. Rousseff was the only BRICS head of state who did not travel to Moscow for the May 9 Victory Day celebration, despite her desire and stated intention to do so, because she was massively pressured and threatened by the British and their apparatus inside Brazil. Rousseff has limited power and she was subjected to more pressure than she was able to buck, LaRouche commented today, coming from the oligarchic faction in Brazil that we know well. They have a highly regulated system, and their treatment of their own poor is criminal.

But this is not a Brazilian thing. It is just like what we saw recently in Baltimore, LaRouche emphasized; it is the same policy as the Confederacy, a policy dictated by the British Empire. It’s what you are also seeing in California, coming from Gov. Jerry Brown: a policy of intentional population reduction. This is not just some misguided bad idea; it is rabid, savage, and intentional. It is genocide, and it must be stopped.

The roots of America’s present decline, that we would today tolerate such immoral policies, trace to the very beginning of the 20th century. It was then that Bertrand Russell and his followers, destroyed competent science and classical culture throughout the trans-Atlantic region, including the United States. That destruction of science, and its replacement by mere mathematics—and its axiomatic insistence that economics is a bestial zero-sum game—has led to the demise of our physical economy, with implicitly genocidal consequences. We lost science, despite the defense of it waged by the one competent real scientist and public advocate of the 20th century, Albert Einstein, LaRouche stated.

That is the long-wave policy which now must be reversed, LaRouche concluded.

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