US Congressional committee approves Israel tunnel detection aid

‘The joint R&D financing project will be on the same lines as the US-Israeli project for the development of anti-missile systems.

Following reports of continued tunnel digging in the Gaza Strip after Operation Protective Edge, the US Congress has decided to initiate a joint US-Israel R&D program for the development and testing of technologies to combat the threat of the tunnels.

The joint financing project will be designed along the same lines as the joint US-Israeli project for the development of anti-missile systems. This program, considered one of the premier successes in cooperation between Israel and the US, has produced the Iron Dome, Arrow, and David’s Sling (Magic Wand) systems, as well as putting hundreds of millions of dollars a year into the defense industries over the years. As in the anti-missile program, the US and Israel will each bear the same share of the tunnel project’s cost.’

Read more: US Congressional committee approves Israel tunnel detection aid

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