US Shale Oil and Gas Industry is a Ponzi Scheme Facing Collapse

‘The mainstream media keeps churning out good news stories about the booming shale oil and gas industry in the United States. Apparently, the fracking industry is going to lead to America becoming the next Saudi Arabia with a hundred years of oil and natural gas. It will provide cheap energy supplies that will boost U.S. Industry and give a major boost to consumers and help the so-called economic recovery.

Yet all of the over inflated claims for shale oil and gas are based upon a fantasy. The geological evidence (See the exhaustive studies by University of Texas and by the geologist David Hughes for the Post Carbon Institute in 2014) shows quite clearly that shale gas and tight oil production is likely to peak in the next 5 years.’

Read more: US Shale Oil and Gas Industry is a Ponzi Scheme Facing Collapse

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