USDA Hell: Torture, Cruel Experiments, Starvation and Death – All Funded by American Taxpayers

‘Hundreds of piglets crushed to death. Genetic experiments forcing cows to bear deformed and stillborn twins. Hundreds of lambs left to die in open fields from exposure and starvation. Cruel and experimental surgeries conducted by unqualified scientists.

It’s happening at federally sanctioned research facility, paid for with your tax dollars.

A January 20, 2015 New York Times investigative report, uncovered a disturbing pattern of systematic animal cruelty, spanning decades at the Nebraska-based U.S. Meat Animal Research Center.

The center, funded with $200 million in taxpayer money, is operated by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).’

Read more: USDA Hell: Torture, Cruel Experiments, Starvation and Death – All Funded by American Taxpayers

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