Whooping Cough ‘Invades’ the Vaccinated

‘Herd immunity! Where have I heard that idiomatic, epidemiologic term before? Oh yes! It’s the U.S. CDC and FDA’s Raison de’ Être for vaccines. Recent demographics for pertussis, or whooping cough, coming out of Washington state prove that herd immunity is nothing short of bunko science, and that Big Pharma’s vaccines really don’t work, or medically speaking, aren’t efficacious.

According to the Seattle Times article, “As whooping cough grows, study finds vaccines wane”
An analysis of Washington state’s 2012 pertussis epidemic, the worst since 1942, found that the vaccine to prevent the disease waned sharply and quickly in teens who were fully inoculated. [A very damning observation, I’d say.]‘

Read more: Whooping Cough ‘Invades’ the Vaccinated

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