Why Is Bird Flu Hitting Millions of CAFO Birds but Sparing Backyard Flocks?

‘Bird flu is hitting an unprecedented number of CAFO lot chickens right now, but the situation is being reported in the mainstream media as a mystery. Why are backyard flocks escaping the virulent bird flu that’s wiping out millions of caged birds in biosecure metal buildings? Is it because birds raised in fresh air and sunshine are more capable of fighting off viruses? If that was true then why are the wild waterfowl: ducks and geese, etc., catching the deadly flu? Or maybe they’re not. Something is just not adding up here…

Could it be, as one commenter suggested below, intentional to make the price of meat and eggs skyrocket?’

Read more: Why Is Bird Flu Hitting Millions of CAFO Birds but Sparing Backyard Flocks?

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