A trip down the memory hole: Exploring Washington Post’s fake journalism through the years

‘In the words of Big Journalism correspondent John Nolte at Breitbart News, today’s mainstream media is rife with “liars, frauds, partisans, cheats, plagiarists, and those who tolerate, defend and enable all of them.”

In fact, he continues, “there is no American institution — not the NFL, not the tobacco companies, not any corporation or enterprise regularly targeted by the media — that engages in anywhere near the amount of fraud and dishonesty that serially oozes from Our Media Overlords.”

One of the most regular abusers of the public trust — though always reporting under the guise of honesty and integrity — is one of the country’s legacy newspapers and serial Pulitzer Prize winners: The Washington Post.’

Read more: A trip down the memory hole: Exploring Washington Post's fake journalism through the years

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