Abbas says Palestinian govt to resign within 24 hours – reports

‘The Palestinian government is to be dissolved within 24 hours, AFP reports, quoting a statement made by President Mahmoud Abbas. The government’s spokesman, however, denies any such discussion of dissolution.

“Within 24 hours the Palestinian government will resign,” Abbas told members of the Revolutionary Council of his Fatah movement in Ramallah, AFP reports, citing several officials present at the meeting.

The reason for the resignation is the government’s inability to act in the Gaza strip, AFP reported earlier in the day citing senior officials with the Palestinian Authority.

“This one [government] is weak and there is no chance that Hamas will allow it to work in Gaza,” said Amin Maqbul, secretary general of the ruling Fatah movement’s Revolutionary Council, according to AFP.’

Read more: Abbas says Palestinian govt to resign within 24 hours – reports

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