Anti-cannabis presidential candidate Marco Rubio accepts bribes from prison industry

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‘One of the primary reasons why the cannabis plant is still vilified by many of the corporate fascists occupying D.C. is this: jailing people for pot is a highly profitable endeavor that makes for-profit prisons and the corporations that run them very rich. And on the dole of this corrupt gravy train is none other than Republican presidential hopeful (wishful thinker?) Marco Rubio, whose secret payoffs from the prison lobby explain a lot about his hypocritical, anti-cannabis beliefs.

During a recent interview with talk radio host Hugh Hewitt, Rubio clarified his position on the enforcement of federal drug laws, admitting in the process that he doesn’t support individual liberty. Erroneously referring to cannabis as an “intoxicant,” Rubio implied that he supports locking people up in prison over a plant that has limitless medicinal potential, and virtually no harmful side effects.’

Read more: Anti-cannabis presidential candidate Marco Rubio accepts bribes from prison industry

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