Anti-Russian propaganda appearing in Dutch school textbooks

‘Several days ago a Dutch parent posted two images from his daughter’s school workbook on his facebook page. The schoolbook is “Themes in Social Studies 1 for VMBO-KGT”, VMBO standing for “preparatory middle-level vocational education”, and is a school track in the Netherlands, which is similar to high school. The schoolbook is provided to VMBO students (aging approx. 15-16 y/o) during the last two years of this school track.

Part of the description of the workbook reads, “The workbook is updated on an annual basis and contains many current and diverse sources with assignments.” The workbook has certainly been updated, as Russia has been painted as quite an unfriendly country, clearly in line with the ongoing Western anti-Russia propaganda.’

Read more: Anti-Russian propaganda appearing in Dutch school textbooks

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