Are You an Nefarious Narcissist?

Do you have what it takes to scheme your way to the top with the brutal force of Frank Underwood in House of Cards?

Now a 15-minute test could help you find out by measuring your dark, Machiavellian qualities against other personality traits.

The test provides 100 simple statements such as ‘I would be quite bored by a visit to an art gallery’ and ‘I feel reasonably satisfied with myself overall.’

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You then have to rate how much you agree with each statement from a scale of ‘strongly disagree’ to ‘strongly agree’.

Along with other personality traits, the test will be able to tell you if you’re a Machiavellian, which describes people with a tendency to be manipulative and dishonest.

Dubbed the Hexaco personality inventory, it is the first ever test created by scientists to measure a newly found sixth personality trait.

Psychologists usually study something known as the ‘big five’ personality traits; extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism and openness to experience.

Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University, however, say there is a sixth dimension to personality; honesty and humility.

It isn’t intuitively obvious that these two traits go together, and until very recently it hadn’t been recognised as a basic dimension of personality.

But the scientists in the latest study argue it should be added to the Big Five to help account for behaviour that is unethical and self-serving.

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