Arizona judge threatens mother with jail time for speaking out against illegal medical kidnapping

‘Here is the face of judicial tyranny in Maricopa County, Arizona, where the juvenile justice system has completely run amok, illegally holding innocent children hostage while denying their parents’ First, Fourth and Fourteenth Amendment rights as guaranteed under the Constitution. This face belongs to Presiding Juvenile Judge Colleen McNally, who right now is threatening to throw a mother in prison — not for any crime, but simply for talking to others about the crimes of Judge McNally and her buddies in Child Protective Services.

This story is similar to that of Justina Pelletier’s family and their experience with Boston Children’s Hospital, or Isaiah Rider’s family and their experience with Lurie Children’s Hospital in Chicago, as well as many others. Children fall ill with typically rare conditions, doctors give a bad diagnosis or insist on treatment without the parents’ consent, and the state ends up kidnapping the children in order to cover for its dark deeds.’

Read more: Arizona judge threatens mother with jail time for speaking out against illegal medical kidnapping

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