Attempted US Colour Revolution in Armenia?


‘On June 19, Armenians began protesting an announced 17 – 22% electricity price increase amounting to about $85 more annually for most Armenians.

Utility and other price increases happen often in countries worldwide – not generally a cause for large street protests continuing for days, at times violent resulting in police using water cannons and making mass arrests.

So-called Electric Yerevan in Armenia’s capital bears disturbing similarity to Ukraine’s EuroMaidan uprising, recent Macedonian protests, ongoing Ecuadorean ones, earlier ones in Venezuela, and numerous other past US attempted color revolutions – some succeeding, other failing.

They’re staged for the same reason – wanting independent governments replaced with pro-Western ones Washington controls.’

Read more:Ā Attempted US Colour Revolution in Armenia?

The post Attempted US Colour Revolution in Armenia? appeared first on David Icke.

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