Austerity Ghouls Merkel, Schäubele, Juncker, La Garde Demand Genocidal Cuts to Greek Economy; Premier Minister Tsipras Defies Eurogarchs and Eurozombies, Rebuffs Deflationary Demands as “Absurd”; Delay of All June Debt Payments by Athens Brings World Banking System to the Brink at End of Month; US Must Press Berlin at G-7 to Drop Austerity Blackmail; Merkel’s Plan for Low-Wage Hinterland for Germany a Chimera; Poroshenko Launches New Attacks on Donetsk People’s Republic to Prevent Normalization; Hastert Indicted, Opening New Ways to Break Up GOP; Tax Wall Street Party Shocks Dupes of CIA Limited Hangouts and Color Revolutions at New York Left Forum; Reverend Pinkney Preparing Appeal, Exposes Hellish Conditions in Aramark Privatized Prisons

Webster G. Tarpley, Ph.D. – World Crisis Radio June 7, 2015

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June is becoming a decisive month in the struggle of the Greek people to roll back the killer austerity imposed over five years by the International Monetary Fund and the European Central Bank. Even though Athens had the money to […]

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