Black family faces jail time for cheering teen at a Mississippi high school graduation

‘A black Mississippi family was kicked out of a high school graduation ceremony and charged with disturbing the peace after they cheered for a graduating senior.

Superintendent Jay Foster asked audience members to hold their cheers and applause until all the graduates’ names were called, but one family said they were unable to contain their excitement, reported WREG-TV.

Ursula Miller said she called out the first name of her niece, Lanarcia Walker, as she crossed the stage to receive her diploma from Senatobia High School.

The teen’s father, Henry Walker, shouted, “You did it, baby,” and waved a towel, drawing laughs from the crowd. That’s when school officials asked the girl’s parents and two other relatives to leave the ceremony.

About a week later, they were served with court papers after the superintendent filed disturbing the peace charges against them.’

Read more: Black family faces jail time for cheering teen at a Mississippi high school graduation

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