BRICS vs G7 – Two Paradigms for the World

The two paradigms facing mankind were clearly displayed yesterday, as the First Parliamentarian Forum of the BRICS nations met in Moscow, while the “failed states” of the G7 met in Bavaria. Chairing the two-day BRICS Parliamentarian meeting, which brings together over 100 parliamentarians ahead of the BRICS Summit in July, was Speaker of the Federation Council (upper house) Valentina Matviyenko, who wrote an article for TASS yesterday to greet the opening of the forum. While Obama told the press at the G7 clown show that Russia continues to be “isolated” from the international community, and that their economy is in recession due to Western sanctions, Matviyenko wrote: “Condemnation by BRICS countries of the policy of sanctions against Russia, our presidency of BRICS, the holding of the BRICS summit and parliamentary forum on our territory are a convincing demonstration of a failure of the plans to isolate Russia from the international community.”

The article, titled “BRICS: An Outline of a Fair World Order,” said that the BRICS emerged as

“a certain format of cooperation between the five countries having a common agenda…(including)…defending their sovereignty, protection and promotion of their national interests on the basis of the principles of equality, noninterference in each others internal affairs, non-acceptance of a unipolar world…(She said BRICS)…clearly asserted itself as an international community pursuing an independent policy on the international arena, rejecting any attempts of outside pressure.”

At the Forum, State Duma (lower house) Foreign Relations Committee chief Aleksey Peshkov told reporters:
“The combined GDP of the BRICS countries, according to the IMF, is $32.5 trillion; the G7’s is $34.7 trillion. Given that the BRICS members mostly show much higher growth rates than the G7, we can assume that in the next two or three years the aggregate GDP of the BRICS countries will exceed the G7’s.”

Also, RT published an article by Irish journalist Bryan MacDonald, who pointed out that the G7 now represents “a mere 32% of the global GDP pie, and is now “way past its sell-by date.” Reflecting the reality of the BRICS nations, he wrote that if the G7 were based on the economic strength of nations,

“it would be comprised of the U.S.A., China, India, Japan, Russia, Germany and Brazil. Such a lineup would have remarkable clout. Members would boast 53% of the globe’s entire GDP and the planet’s 3 genuine military superpowers would be represented.” But, he adds, “Instead of heavyweights like China and India, we have middling nations such as Canada and Italy, the latter an economic basket case. Canada’s GDP is barely more than that of crisis-ridden Spain and below that of Mexico and Indonesia.”

So much for Obama’s “international community.”

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