British Genocidalists Leading Full-Scale Summer Offensive

BBC America is airing the White House “interview” between President Barack Obama and leading British genocidalist Richard Attenborough Sunday night at two prime time spots.  The Obama-Attenborough airing is part of a British-led offensive underway, to promote full-scale global genocide under the guise of climate change.  In the trailer for the Obama-Attenborough show, Obama made it clear that he was seeking out the British climate change propagandist’s advice on how to push the population reduction agenda forward.

According to the Sunday Observer, there is a Vatican-sponsored activists’ conference in Rome, focusing on the upcoming Copenhagen21 conference at the end of the year in Paris, and following through on Pope Francis’ encyclical on climate change.  Naomi Klein, a well-known critic of modern capitalism and the author of a recent book touting the climate change fight as the moral battle ground against capitalist corruption, is invited to participate in the Vatican conference.  Klein told the Sunday Observer, “The fact that they invited me indicates they’re not backing down from the fight.  A lot of people have patted the pope on the head, but said he’s wrong on the economics.  I think he’s right on the economics.”  Among the participants in the Vatican-hosted Sunday conference, which begins with a march from the French Embassy, are representatives of Greenpeace and Oxfam.

The Observer/Guardian coverage of the Vatican conference referenced a previous climate change event, in which the Church assembled non-Catholic activists and diplomats inside Vatican City to push the agenda.  In April, the Vatican convened a conference  to help prepare the Pope’s encyclical, which included a keynote speech by Ban Ki-moon (Schellnhuber participated in that conference).

There are two upcoming conferences in Paris, in preparation for the December COP21 official event.  Prince Philip’s henchman Martin Palmer is one of the key organizers of the July 17 Paris event.  In September, the United Nations will convene a summit on climate control, at which all nations are expected to deliver detailed plans for carbon reduction and other measures.  Pope Francis will be in New York City for the opening day of that conference, and will deliver an address before the United Nations General Assembly.  On that same U.S. visit, he will address a joint session of the U.S. Congress.

The Guardian/Observer coverage highlighted the role of Schellnhuber in the work feeding into the encyclical, and noted that the Pope had a five-person panel present for the release of the encyclical.  “Hans Joaquim Schellnhuber, who heads the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, used the time to give churchmen a lesson in climate science.”

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