Cannabis advocate Morgan Freeman converts his 124-acre ranch into bee refuge to combat colony collapse crisis

‘He might have just turned 78 years old on June 1, but actor and celebrity activist Morgan Freeman isn’t planning to fade away into retirement anytime soon. These days, the longtime cannabis advocate is busy maintaining his vast bee refuge in rural Mississippi, which he reportedly converted from a 124-acre ranch in an effort to combat the global crisis of Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD).

During a recent interview on The Jimmy Fallon Show, Freeman spoke stoically about how he mixes two parts sugar with one part water every day to feed his precious bees what they need to survive and thrive. He doesn’t wear a protective suit when he does this, either — Freeman says he “resonates” with the bees, which is why they don’t ever try to attack or sting him.’

Read more: Cannabis advocate Morgan Freeman converts his 124-acre ranch into bee refuge to combat colony collapse crisis

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