Chemical companies push for law to determine their own safety standards


‘If ever there was an initiative steeped in bias and a deep disregard for a “best for everyone” approach, it’s the one taking place among chemical giants such as Dow, DuPont, Honeywell and 3M. These companies, and the people who have ties with them, are actually attempting to thwart state efforts to regulate chemicals. Instead, they’re lobbying for legislation that says states do not have to furnish new information to the EPA pertaining to chemical safety and chemical evaluation.

As if that’s not bothersome enough, the bill would mean that the EPA could take their sweet time to assess chemicals; they’d be allowed to take up to seven years to review one single chemical. Meanwhile, certain chemicals will continue to harm the environment, destroy health and ruin the planet.’

Read more: Chemical companies push for law to determine their own safety standards

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